Oil Talks: Resources & Slides
During a season of change, we came together as a community and learned more about the many uses for our beautiful essential oils.
During March & April 2020 we gathered and learned from Naturopathic Physicians, Doctors of Chinese medicine, survivors of trauma, parents, friends, sisters, and brothers.
Watch the video recordings below and use the many helpful recipes and protocols from the Oil Talks below.
You are going to learn things about essential oils that will blow your mind and help you feel prepared for whatever comes your way.
March 25th, 2020
Watch Now: Wednesday, March 25th
Veggie Caps
Roller Bottles
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Correct X ointment - in the nose Daily
FLOOM BLEND RECIPE: 1 drop each of the following oils in a veggie cap
Frankincense, Lemongrass, OnGuard, Oregano, and Melaleuca (Tea Tree)
*We suggest you follow Josie’s excellent Symphony of the Cells Protocol daily - Video to the right or click HERE
DDR Prime Oil Blend - (In this blend:Lemongrass, Frankincense, Thyme, Clove, Naouli, Litsea, Summer Savory, Tangerine)
Use Tangerine or Grapefruit under tongue daily or in water
Use Melissa 1 drop under the tongue (1-3 times a day)
Lifelong Vitality Pack
DDR Prime softgels
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Yarrow Pom Beauty Complex
PB Assist
Zendocrine Complex (2 before bed)
Zendocrine Oil (2 before bed)
GX Assist
Siberian fir
Adaptiv Capsules
Adaptiv Blend
Copaiba (anxiety and Immune systems)
Stronger Blend
IQ Mega
PB Assist
1 drop each, with local honey:
Tea tree
Siberian fir
PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 - Dr. Jeffery VanWingen
DIY All Purpose Cleaning Spray
¼ cup white vinegar
1 ¾ cups water
30 drops doTERRA essential oils
Recommended essential oil combinations:
10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Wild Orange
30 drops doTERRA On Guard®
15 drops each of Grapefruit and doTERRA On Guard
Add all ingredients to 16 ounce spray bottle.
Shake thoroughly. Spritz on surfaces and wipe clean.
March 27th, 2020:
Dr. Josie’s Protocols and Essential Oil Tea Recipes
Oils for: Daily Teas, Shot glasses, or Sublingual doses
Category 1: ANTI’s:
Melaleuca/Tea Tree
DDR Prime
Pink Pepper
Black Pepper
Category 2: Additional/Supportive:
All Citrus Oils
Siberian Fir
“I Feel Something Coming On ” Onset & Staying Safe
1)“Swipe” (about 1/3-1/2 drop) Melissa OR 1 drop Melaleuca in mouth every (waking) 20-30 minutes for 1-2 days
2) 1 drop Oregano in shot glass w 1 oz. water - hold/swish in mouth 10 seconds, then swallow, 3-4x for 1 day
3) 1 drop Melaleuca + 1 drop DigestZen (mask flavor) in shot glass, hold/swish in mouth 10 seconds, then swallow- every waking 20-30 minutes for 1-2 days.
Can make a Tea instead: 1 drop each per 8oz water and sip at least 16 oz every hour.
*You can combine or alternate these (#1,2&3) throughout the day
**For children: #3- have them start with 2-3 doses, then go to gargling the shot mixture
TEA Suggestions- per approx. 12-16oz water
*choose at least 1 oil from each Category
**Drop oils into local honey (approx. 1 tsp. per 12oz) Then add warm/hot water
***Oils: 1 drop each, but if you get 2 drops that’s just fine :)
“Not Getting It & I’m Fighting It Teas”
-Dr. Josie’s Favorite: Frankincense + Copaiba + Siberian Fir + Pink Pepper + Tangerine
-OnGuard + Copaiba
-Cinnamon/Cassia + Black pepper + Lemon
-Pink Pepper + Green Mandarin
“I Feel A Tickle in My Throat Tea”
- Lavender, Melaleuca, Siberian fir
“Dredge up & get the Gunk Out Tea”
Frankincense + Copaiba+ Siberian Fir + Peppermint
“Recovery, Tissue Repair & Biofilm Response Tea”
Rosemary + Sandalwood + Myrrh + Clove
“Post Nasal Drip Cough keeping you from Sleeping Tea”
Cinnamon + Lemon + Myrrh
Peace of Mind protocol:
1. Everyone uses FLOOMA or OnGuard Touch (or similar DIY roll on) on their neck and places it on the palms of their hands and breathes it in.
*Carry Flooma (or similar) and OnGuard hand sanitizers in purses & backpacks.
2. DDR prime liquid - diffuse through day And clean surfaces with it.
3. 1 DDR soft gel Am & Pm
4. LLV pack
5. 1 PBAssist daily
6. Before Bed or in Pm: 2 Zendocrine Complex + 1 Zendocrine gelcap + 1-2 Terrazyme
7. On Guard and/or DDR oil on bottoms of feet am & pm
8. Symphony of Cells treatment 1-5x a week
*extra Vitamin D (1-4,000 ius daily) and Vitamin C (500mg am & pm)
We are going to use 3 oils. First is lemongrass… energetically it is the oil of cleansing, It clears negative energy, assists in releasing stagnant stuck energy, so our energy is in flow. Take your lemongrass and place 1 drop on the bottom of each foot. Massage it into the foot. Some of you may like to use FCO (fractionated coconut oil) if you find lemongrass too warming. Taking a deep breath in, and as though you can see your energy field which some describe like an egg, you’re going to stretch out your arms as though you are gathering in any negativity, and then on the out breath you release it pushing with your hands down into the earth. You may like to say, “I now release through the power of my breath all energy that does not serve me to my highest potential, and I lovingly release it to the earth…” It’s good to have an intention as you do this. Take a deep breath and let go. You can do this a few times if you like.
Then we take our Tea Tree/Melaleuca and place a drop on our shoulders, rubbing the rest on the back of the neck. We know what a powerhouse this oil is: Tea Tree is the oil of energetic boundaries! As you apply it, you may like to mentally thank the oil for helping you to feel empowered, strong and protected.
Take out your Wild Orange and apply 1 drop on inside of your wrist. Breathe it in deeply. This oil reminds us we are never in lack, we will always have plenty, the world is abundant, there are limitless solutions to our problems and that we just need to let go and trust.
OIL HIGHLIGHT WITH Ariana Harley: Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Click below to download & print
April 1st, 2020
Watch Now: Wednesday, April 1st
Kids & Oils
Product Wish List
PB Assist JR
Touch Line (especially Breathe)
Kids Collection
Breathe Vapor Stick
Melaleuca (Tea Tree)
DDR Prime oil
OnGuard Concentrated Cleaner
Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO)
Always Dilute with children!
Education on diluting - https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/healthy-living-essential-oils-guide-safety
You can do Symphony of the Cells on kids just dilute!
ID and Respiratory Protocols for kiddos. * Use the above dilution ratios. ** See protocol above.
More info - https://www.symphonyofthecells.com/
Put one drop of Breathe in the bottom of a hot shower!
Put 1-2 drops each of Breathe & Serenity in the diffuser at night for restful sleep and open airways.
Apply Breathe Touch or Breathe Vapor stick on chest, lung points and reflexology points on the feet.
“Can’t get over it”
A little lemon oil swipe in the mouth for extra immune boost.
Ear aches
1 drop of Tea Tree (Melaleuca) on cotton ball set inside ear, overnight until relief
Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) on skin around ear and on earlobe, tap drop of Tea Tree (melaleuca on top of FCO and let EO Vapor dry ear out (Repeat 3 times a day)
Persistent cough
Breathe on spine diluted and bottoms of feet.
-Frankincense in diffuser with breathe blend.
-Massage Frankincense on throat and top with FCO.
-Put 1 drop Frankincense in 6 oz water and have them drink a sip.
Steam shower am and pm with Breathe on shower floor: Cupped hand percussion/cough out for 10 minutes
Heidi’s Hand Cleansing Sprays
First and Foremost.. WASH YOUR HANDS!
Then use a hand spray!
2 DIY Hand Sprays
CDC Approved Amounts Hand Spray:
5 Tbsp. Aloe Vera Gel (Get a good pure kind)
4 Tbsp. Water
¼ tsp. Vitamin E
8-10 Drops On Guard EO
⅔ cup Alcohol (grain alcohol recommended but need high %proof)
Shake and Use.
Essential Oil Hand Spray
2-4oz container
-2 pinches of Epsom salt
-8-10 drops of Essential Oil (6 On Guard +3 Thyme Oil or 8-10 DDR Prime blend)
-Top off with water
Shake and Use.
Optional: ¾ tsp Aloe Vera (use pure source)
Optional: -1tsp. Clean grain alcohol/vodka any proof
Arin’s Surface Cleanser
16 Oz Glass Spray bottle from Amazon
1 Tblsp OnGuard Concentrated Cleaner
10 drops of DDR Prime oil
Fill with distilled water
Clean the counters / doorknobs / toys first with this mix and then spray another layer let it dry.
*You can make a second spray of just SALT + WATER + EO for spray down surfaces with out the cleanser. Great for couches, dog beds, coats, purses, cars, etc.
Are Peppermint and Eucalyptus safe for kids?
Do Your Own Research
Pets Product Wish List
doTERRA Shampoo
Tiffin’s Dog Paw Washing Recipe
10 pumps of OnGuard foaming hand soap
5 drops of Doterra lavender
2 drops of Doterra helichrysum
Lots of water in a big tube
Book Recommendations
Oils to the Rescue by Sayde & Patty Kelly
The Animal Desk Reference II: Essential Oils for Animals
Vet’s Using Oils
Tiffin’s Favorite EO Pet Recipes:
April 3rd, 2020
Watch Now: Friday, April 3rd
ASHA’s IN IT Protocol
- SOC 1-2X day: Respiratory + ID
- Melissa: 1 drop sublingual AM + 1/2 drop sublingual PM
- Asha’s Throat Spray: {Lemon+Melaleuca+OnGuard in water} Every Hour
- Chest Topicals Layered 3-4X day: Breathe, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, {also Manuka, Frankie, Lime used}
- Thyme daily 1-2X on Bottoms Feet & Lung Points
- Spleen Love topically over abdomen: Layer Geranium, Lemon & Ylang Ylang
- Peppermint for Headaches
- Citrus Oils in Water
- Daily Oil Teas- mixed up
- Adaptiv, Balance and Bergamot Daily for Mood and Sleep Support
- Full Daily Dose LLV
- 2 daily Turmeric Duo Caps
- 2-6 daily OnGuard Plus gel caps
- 3000 mg VIt. C daily
- Extra Vit. D
Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
Ylang ylang
Lifelong Vitality Pack
Turmeric Gel Caps
OnGuard+ Softgels
Adaptive System
Rosemary Apply to GV 16 point for memory
Rosemary apply to ST 36 for immune
Emotions & Essential Oils - https://www.oillife.com/products/emotions-essential-oils
Dianne Delreyes’ Acu Oil Alchemy - https://www.diannedelreyes.com/AcuOilEbook
Link to Essential Oils Made Simple - Powerpoint coming soon
“At the beginning of a meditation or anytime to support processing feelings of pain from grief, trauma, loss or difficulty, use a drop of Helichrysum over the physical heart space. I suggest a daily protocol of two weeks or more to fortify the space. In a pinch, Correct X ointment can be used.
As a substitute, Breathe oil can be massaged over the top areas of the lungs to open up the ability to process grief, feel more connected and able to receive.
Ginger is the "oil of empowerment" and helpful now to connect with your personal sense of power, feel more present and engaged in life. Rub a drop over the solar plexus and inhale at the end of your meditation, or after grounding, to carry a sense of warmth and presence through your day. If you use this a few rounds in that manner, you may be able to use it as an anchor to call on your personal power when you need it by just smelling it.
Be well!”
April 8th, 2020
Watch Now: Wednesday, April 8th
“When you know better, you do better.”
- Maya Angelou
Link, Clinical Trial: “Emergency Medicine (EM) Protocol for the Alleviation and Initial Treatment of Mild and Serious Symptoms of COVID19”, 2020
Link, Source: Portland Clinic of Holistic Health: “Naturopathic Guidelines for Fever Management” by Dr. Eric Blake
Link to the Natural Living App, by the Environmental Working Group
Link to the “Think Dirty” App for reviewing product safety
For information on Medication Interactions, we recommend these two books: Modern Essentials & Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand Institute.
For Healthcare Workers…
Heathcare workers extra support recommendations
Apply CorrectX Essential oil ointment in the nose
Implement the FLOOMA protocol rolled onto a mask
“Act as if” Protocol
DIY Cleaning Cleaning products from Stephanie King:
You can get started using DoTerra oils for Nontoxic Cleaning by visiting this page!
Supporting your Body this week:
Warming Socks Recipe from Louise Rose of Rose Cabinet Medicine (click HERE to print):
“This procedure should be used at the first indication of any congestion in the ears, eyes, sinus, throat, or lungs.
It can also be used effectively for headaches, insomnia and a variety of other conditions.
Try it; you will like it!”
If your feet are cool or cold, it is important to warm them first. This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful. Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes or take a bath or shower to warm your feet.
Check your feet for any cuts or open sores, especially if you are taking blood-thinning medications. Because it is so effective for increasing circulation, it can cause bleeding to increase.
Apply a drop of On Guard doTERRA essential oil to the bottom of each foot for added immune support if you have it. Prepare:
Take a pair of cotton socks and get them wet with cold water. Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly, no dripping. “Cold” ranges from cold tap water to storing the wrung-out socks in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Apply:
Place the cold cotton socks on your feet. Cover with thick wool (best) or acrylic socks. Go to bed with good covers, avoid getting chilled.
Repeat the treatment nightly at least 2 days past the resolution of all your symptoms. You should find that the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning. If the socks are not dry in the morning, it is possible you did not warm up your feet adequately, did not thoroughly wring out the socks, or did not cover the cotton socks completely with the wool/acrylic socks.
April 10th, 2020
Watch now: Friday, April 10th
"You are not what you eat, You are what you absorb."
- Dr. Josie
Steaming with Oils
What you’ll need:
water (just under boiling)
Breathe oil blend or any oils from FLOOMA (Arin's recommendation - 1 drop peppermint, 1 drop oregano, 1 drop tea tree, and 1 drop lemon)
Oregano is our powerhouse!
(Want to research Oregano? Pubmed.gov Search "oregano")
Download and refer to the “Wellness Pyramid” below from DoTerra. This is a great visual outline of a wellness lifestyle!
WHY take the Life Long Vitality Pack Vitamins?
Dr. Jodee and Dr. Josie expertly share Life Long Vitality protocols, both a baseline regimen and an "alternate protocol" for you if you have sensitivities…
LLV doTERRA Blog - https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/product-spotlight-supplements-daily-vitality
✨How to Safely and Effectively start your Baseline of Nutrition with the LLV✨
Ever had difficulty taking the LLV? Dr. Josie suggests trialing the ALTERNATE Protocol for 3 months and then working up to the full dose of the LLV over 2-3 months
Supplements for Children - https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/product-spotlight-supplements-for-children-wellness
Self Care with Dr. Jodee Anderson MD
Dr. JoDee is passionate about health, beauty and self care.
She is dedicated to helping people achieve their beauty goals. As an M.D., she trained at Stanford University and after a long, successful career in Academic Medicine as a Neonatologist she underwent intensive training to repurpose as an Aesthetic Specialist.
Dr. Jodee was voted Top Doctor in Portland 9 years running and she has been recognized as one of the Top Physicians in America US News and World Report. But if you ask her what she is most proud of, she will tell you she is proud of the team she has built at Fresh Faces Rx.
"When I am scared, I turn to the oils first." Dr. JoDee Anderson
“Empowerment = Informed Care”
Dr. Jodee’s Daily Routine
Take your Lifelong Vitality Pack
Begin the day by washing your face with the Essential Skin Care system
Use Peppermint & Wild Orange in the shower for a "shower meditation" (This helps to soften skin before cleanser and invigorating scrub)
Tone your face with toner from DoTerra’s skincare collection
Look in the mirror and set an intention for the day. Jodee uses Rose oil to do this. Rose oil is oil of self-love. "I am going to show up as my best self."
Brush your teeth with OnGuard Toothpaste
Turn on your diffusers around the house (Black Spruce & Frankincense is one of Jodee’s favorite combinations!)
Wash your face with Essential Skin care (watch Dr. Jodee’s skincare webinars below!)
Make a Gratitude list while looking in the mirror
Use your sleep oils before you get into bed! (Sleep oils - Forgive blend, Black spruce, and Cedarwood are her favorites. She loves to rotate the wood oils)
Throughout the day, Dr. Jodee recommends:
Start Drinking Rose water - 1 drop of pure rose in purified water
Make a DIY Hair /Skin Spray (great for protecting yourself after walking - Whisper, Jasmine, Rose, Console, Ylang Ylang and sandalwood are great combinations)
Skincare Webinars by Dr. JoDee Marie Anderson
Radiant Skin Care https://vimeo.com/170066954
Skincare Secrets https://vimeo.com/170066954
Essential Skincare https://vimeo.com/400699032
Grounding Exercise from AmberJane
Amber Jane is a modern medicine woman. Eight years ago her friend Lotus Hartley introduced her to DoTerra essential oils. She noticed right away that these oils were different, so full of light alive and held the frequency of healing.
Amber Jane now has a healing practice where she combines the essential oils to resolve chronic issues so that you can easily embody a liberated feeing of empowered wholeness. She has written a book called Plant Wisdom - sharing the messages of the our oils with healing protocols so that you can create your own personal relationship with these beautiful gifts of the earth.
You can find her at amberjanehealing.com
April 15th 2020
Using Oils for Stress & Tension
Aisha’s suggestion: Use Deep Blue Roll-on for tension. Use on neck and shoulders before stretching.
Tracy Brown’s Suggestion: DIY Lavender Eucalyptus Bath Salt Recipe from DoTerra
Tracey's alternative suggestions:
4 Siberian Fir, 4 Eucalyptus 6 Lime
4 Lavender, Melissa, Black Spruce
NEW: The Adaptiv App for Mental Wellness from DoTerra
Check it out - https://www.doterra.com/US/en/adaptiv-app
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1501776743
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.doterra.adaptiv
Link to Ariana's Oils A-Z: https://www.essentialwellness.life/oils-az
Emotional Vibrancy using Essential Oils - Ariana & Dr. Rose https://www.essentialwellness.life/webinars-all/emotional-vibrancy-using-essential-oils-to-promote-emotional-well-being
Emotional Health with Essential Oils, by ariana harley
During times like this it is helpful for us to use our oils to help us through the 5 stages of grief. Download the PDF below and print to read about the emotional processes behind grief.
Denial and shock
Anger and Guilt
Download the PDF and get guidance from Ariana on how she uses her essential oils to support herself and her customers during times of grief and transition.
April 17th, 2020
Watch now: Wednesday, April 17th
FeelingS Buried Alive Never Die
Dr. Josie’s Recommendation - Apply a Floral oil to Acu point CV-17 (as picture on the right)
Dr. Josie recommends a prayer from the book “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die”, by Karol K. Truman. You can download it below.
You can also get the app for the book HERE.
*Please note: “If you choose to use the word intelligence, subconscious, or higher self instead of spirit [or God] in addressing the all-knowing aspect of yourself, the same principles apply and the script still works effectively. Please do not allow any words contained within the script to trigger discomfort and you. No offense is meant to anyone.” - Karol K. Truman
This week’s Oil Wish List
Zendocrine Oil
Black Spruce
Siberian Fir
Warming Socks with Dr. Louise Rose
About Dr. Rose: “I am a Naturopathic Physician and owner of Rose Cabinet Medicine who graduated from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Out of my lifelong interest in nutrition and nurturing folks developed an abiding passion for natural medicine. While training for my degree in Naturopathic medicine I rediscovered my love for the therapeutic power of water. The simple act of bathing can be a transformative healing experience. Additionally, I’m interested in working with and treating endocrine disorders, brain and digestive health, nutrition, weight loss, and detoxification. Helping patients to incorporate nutrient-dense, real foods into their meal planning is my passion and joy.”
Use Warming socks to aid your body’s natural defenses…
Use Hydrotherapy (hot / cold water)
Use Castor Oil Packs (Castor oil in glass is best)
DIY demo Warming Socks (image above) at the first sign of body dis-ease - do it for 3 days
Warming T-shirt (If it moves to your chest), use Tree oils for your lungs
Use a Symphony of the Cells treatment with Hot/Cold towels after each oil
April 22nd, 2020
Watch now: Wednesday, April 22nd
Spotlight on: Pink Pepper essential oil
"Research indicated that alpha phellandrene; 1) activates natural killer cells to support a healthy immune response 2) encourages healthy cell cycle and death = Apoptosis 3) supports a healthy inflammatory response alleviates neuropathic discomfort." - Dr. Josie
Dr. Josie’s Pink Pepper Tea recipe:
Add a drop of each to a cup of hot water and drink. This tea is supportive for your cells and encourages your body’s natural immune responses.
-Siberian Fir
-Pink Pepper
-Tangerine or Green Mandarin
-Turmeric *Optional (strongest flavor- leave out if too intense)
Topical Usage of Pink Pepper, as recommended by Dr. Josie:
Neuropathic Application - Add Pink Pepper to Aromatouch Blend when you have neuropathic discomfort (shooting or burning pain), especially in the lower extremities of the body. This is an amazing companion product to DDR Prime!
When you look at the whole chemical profile of pink pepper you begin to see how many different systems of the body that it supports because of its complex and beautiful chemistry. Because it has such a great protective affect to the cells it is an amazing companion product to DDR Prime.
Working with Qi and Energy
What is Qi? Qi is the Chinese word for lifeforce energy. In meaning it is similar to “Prana” and “Mana”. Understanding your Qi can help your overall wellbeing.
Medical QiGong - The Golden 8
Book Recommendation: The Healing art of QiGong
Dana Schwartz LAc and David Watts, LAc: Understanding Oil Application Methods
About Dana: As a licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Dana’s mission aligns powerfully with the vision of DoTERRA to revolutionize Health Care today. Currently a doTERRA Diamond and Aroma Touch Instructor, she enjoys the deep connections of this community with the ability to serve more through the vehicle of doTERRA.
About David: As a doTERRA Diamond Leader, David Watts has been able to combine his passions for holistic health and wellness and share these gifts with more people than ever before. David is a Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist, Essential Oil Educator, Energy Worker, Body Worker, Breath-work facilitator and Musician. David is also certified Yoga Instructor and Tai Chi player. He currently resides in Central Oregon with his wife Dana and their pup Sadie.
What are the different oil application methods, and which should you choose?
Shower Melts - doTERRA Breathe Shower Melts recipe HERE
Inhalers - Link HERE to make your own inhalers
Diffuser jewelry - Etsy Link to shop handmade diffuser jewelry HERE
Fum - Wooden essential oil inhalers HERE
Nebulizer - Link HERE to AromaTools Nebulizer diffusers
All night diffuser - Click HERE for doTERRA’s all-night diffuser
You might be wondering: Layer vs Roller?
Roller bottles are easy to use and good for kids and they are also a good way to mix oils to make a blend. But instead of combining oils in a roller, you should consider laying oils directly on the skin in times of injury.
Using essential oils topically in your bath:
Sea salt and baking soda - use for detoxifying
Epsom Salts - More nourishing
AromaTouch Vs Symphony of the Cells technique?
AromaTouch - This technique is a 40 min session using the same oils for each treatment. It was created by Dr. Hill.
Symphony of the Cells: SOC is a quick technique that anyone can do, using various combinations of essential oils depending on what is happening in the recipient’s body.
Internal oil use
First things first: Use oils in your water! (Dana suggests Pink Pepper and a citrus oil such as Lemon or Wild Orange in your water everyday)
Take Shots.
You can take “shots” of oils to support your body. Use a shotglass and add your oils first, then add water and drink quickly.
Most popular: Dr. Josie’s Allergy Shot - Combine 1 drop of Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree and Cilantro in a shot glass, fill the rest with water and drink a shot every couple of hours the first day of your troublesome allergy symptoms.
Take Softgels.You can deliver oils effectively to your body via softgels, either premade by doTERRA or made by you.
How do you use oils internally for kids?If you’re looking for an effective and palatable way to use oils for children, put them in applesauce for eating.
Create Suppositories:
Make your suppositories using suppository molds.
You can administer oils using a Syringe .
Vaginal - Tea Tree
Rectal - Frankincense
Hemorrhoids - Helichrysum, Geranium, Cypress, Copaiba and Frankincense in fractionated coconut oil
Vagina Dream Team - 1 oz 10-15 drops of lavender and tea tree
Mandy's Safety tips in regards to vaginal oil use:
SAFETY: “From personal experience if the dilution is wrong, you can damage those delicate tissues. I usually try it in my nose first! I have actually "burned" the tissue in my ear canal and vagina with too-heavy concentrations of Tea Tree so yes, use but please be careful and dilute.
I also find it’s safer until you are comfortable to use the diluted oil on a finger instead of the tampon. the tampon can hold the oil against the wall (or a cotton in the ear) and if the dilution is too weak it is more likely to cause a problem. All of that being said it is a very viable and powerful solution.”
April 24th, 2020: BOGO Afterparty
Watch now: Friday, April 24th
BOGO Oils April 2020:
Beautiful Blend
Citrus Bloom
Pink Pepper
Rose Touch
Spotlight on: Rose Touch
Arin’s skincare tip: Put your roller of Rose Touch in the fridge and use on irritated skin or puffy eyes in the morning when you wake up. The metal rollerball will stimulate the vessels in the face and calm the skin.
Use Rose for Skin Issues of all kinds, even for kids! Use Rose on nasty skin issues, on babies when they get a rash, or when the skin is healing.
Rose = Immune Support
Emotional Benefits of Rose… In plant spirit medicine, Rose is considered the wise queen.
Rose can bring you back to your self.
Mandy’s recommendation: Use this oil when you really need to feel Love.
One of the many physical benefits of Rose applies to vaginal issues. You can use it internally with proper dilution and care. Use with Frankincense, Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree and Neroli well diluted with carrier oil.
Spotlight on: Citrus Bloom
Citrus Bloom is uplifting and happy. It is a combination of citrus and floral essential oils. Because of its chemistry Citrus Bloom is great for deep sadness.
It helps with motivation and Focus issues - it’s great to put in the diffuser when you are homeschooling kids!
Tip: Mix with Adaptiv in the diffuser for a calming and emotionally supportive diffuser blend!
Spotlight on: Beautiful Blend
Beautiful Blend is a combination of Lime peel, Osthmanthus, Bergamot and Frankincense.
It is fantastic for stress. Massage the whole body for sore muscles.
Use it for 1st-time things to ease your nerves and help you feel like you’re confident and in charge! Roll on the Beautiful Blend on your wedding day, on your first day of school, the first time you stand up to speak to a large crowd or when you do something brave and new.
Lime & Osmanthus are both good for the respiratory system, so using Beautiful blend during times like these smells good but also has physical benefits for your breathing.
Spotlight on: Spearmint
Spearmint is the oil of speaking your truth!
In the diffuser, use Spearmint as a sweeter alternative to Peppermint. It combines beautifully with nearly every oil. It’s particularly good with Lime and Pink Pepper!
Use Spearmint aromatically for morning sickness.
Spotlight on: Pink Pepper
doTERRA Founder Emily Wright calls Pink Pepper the “Superhero” oil because it is good for every cell of the body.
Pink Pepper Protects and nurtures cells from oxidative stress. Add Pink Pepper to DDR Prime for total body cellular health!
When you feel something coming on, add Pink Pepper to OnGuard. This is also fantastic with Melissa oil.
Take this oil everyday in tea or water for your health and add a citrus.
Topical use: Blend Pink Pepper with Helichrysum and Aromatouch for nerve discomfort.
Download Dr. Josie’s Notes on Pink Pepper below!
Spotlight on: Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus has been studied for its chemical properties. Go study Eucalyptus on the PubMed website!
Add a drop of Eucalyptus to your mask.
Emotionally, Eucalyptus releases feelings of grief.
Spotlight on: Serenity Blend
Serenity blend is calming and relaxing, perfect for bedtime.
doTERRA chose this for us right now to meets our needs during our collective experience this month.
Use this in a full body massage before bed. Rub Serenity blend into the soles of your feet about 30 minutes before you go to sleep.
Use Serenity in your diffuser when you’re feeling frustrated and stressed. Massage it into your shoulders during the day.
Spotlight on: Lavender
Did you know? Lavender is an antihistamine! This oil must be in your emergency kit. If you need to calm down, put a few drops under your tongue.
Lori Lishan’s Sleep Time Tea Recipe:(30 minutes before bed)
-Warm water
-Tablespoon of Honey
-Toothpick of lavender
-1 drop Vetiver
Spotlight on: Balance
Balance is a grounding blend that can help you feel closer to the earth and centered emotionally.
Men: Use Balance in your shaving cream and beard oil for a nourishing shine!
Spotlight on: Neroli
Arin’s Tip: Put your Neroli roller in the fridge and use on irritated skin or puffy eyes.
Neroli makes an excellent deodorant!
Did you know that Neroli is actually a strong aphrodisiac? Use Neroli to enhance your libido. This is for males and females- this oil is very effective.
Happy Tatas Blend: Oils for Breast HealthNeroli
Pink pepper
Cervical Cellular HealthCopaiba
Blue Tansy
Pink Pepper
Tea Tree
Rectal Suppositories (For Respiratory Health)
1 tablespoon carrier oil to 6-8 drops essential oil
Thyme, Frankincense, and Rose
Rectal - Prostate Blend, Cellular health
Frankincense, Sandalwood, Pink Pepper, and Copaiba in carrier oil
For Cramps: Citrus Bloom & Beautiful over abdomen
Arin's Booby Routine: Breast Health Regimen
Dry Brush before you shower with Green Mandarin and Pink Pepper
Want to know how to dry brush? Click HERE for a video tutorial!
After showering, apply neroli to the side of your breasts.
Arin recommends Internal use of DDR, Wild Orange, Pink Pepper and Green Mandarin daily (in your water, tea or in a capsule).
Do all of the above plus multiple applications of this blend in fractioned coconut oil daily - DDR Prime, Wild Orange, Sandalwood, Pink Pepper, and Frankincense.
Dianne's Booby Routine and Hormonal Health Protocol:Dianne suggests that you apply Clary calm along your hand and over the uterus, 2 drops Frankincense, 2 drops Copaiba, 2 drops Pink pepper, 2-4 drops Grapefruit, down arm pits across breast (watershed) girls get a rub and also rub over uterus, groin and neck are where lymph accumulates
Healthy Popcorn Recipes with Oils:If you love spicy popcorn, melt coconut oil with frank’s red hot … then black pepper … mix it all in to the popcorn and sprinkle nutritional yeast.
Lime & Pink Pepper
Lime & Peppermint
Onguard, maple syrup and coconut oil
Book Recommendations:Emotional Aromatherapy Book from Oil Life
Tiffin's Pet Tips this week:1 week before fireworks, diffuse and massage them with this blend: Balance, Serenity, Citrus Bloom and lavender
Arin's Cat Oils Tip:Save your empty bottles and fill them up with water or fractioned coconut oil - then use 1-2 drops of those oils for cats. That way they are diluted and only get a small amount of the oil.
Aisha's Emergency Kit: Coming soon
Acu Points (where to use oils): Consult Dianne’s Acu Oil Alchemy Guide (attached below)
April 29th, 2020
Watch Now: Wednesday, April 29th with Vivian Engelsen
Outline of todays call:
1. Synthetic vs. Whole food vitamins
2. Why do some people have problems taking LLV?
3. Spleen dampness and how affects digestion
4. Tongue Diagnostics: The Tongue doesn’t lie
5. Food energetics - cold food and warming oils
6. Spleen & Stomach points
for warming oils
7. Adaptogenic Herbs found in doTERRA’s Supplements
8. Zinc and why it is important
GROUNDING EXERCISE: Use your Tree Oils! Get out your Cypress or Black Spruce and inhale/rub into your heart. Tree oils are oils to use when you need flow and you want to avoid stagnation in life. Cypress specifically helps you when you are stuck emotionally.
Nutrition, Spleen Dampness & Food Energetics
with Vivian Engelsen, LAc
Vivian Engelsen is a licensed acupuncturist living between Los Angeles and Southern Oregon. She has studied with Robert Tisserand, Peter Holmes and other highly respected leaders in the wellness world.
She has been practicing for over 35 years and has extensive experience incorporating oils into her practice.
Vivian is known for her deep-dive presentations on body systems, oils and food.
Vivian, What is the difference between Whole Food vitamins and Synthetic Vitamins?
- A whole food vitamin has very complex chemistry from the micronutrients of plants.
- Synthetic vitamins are made of singular chemical isolates- like drugs. They are missing trace minerals and micronutrients.
Whole food vitamins are bioavailable and are able to be absorbed more efficiently and more effectively, benefitting your body in the long run. In contrast, Synthetic vitamins will pull nutrients from different parts of the body and will leave your body deficient in those places.
Why do some people have issues when they start taking the LLV?
They might be deficient in digestive enzymes. When someone has issues taking the LLV, that does not necessarily mean that they should stop it immediately or that it is not working- this offers valuable information about what is happening in the body, specifically in the liver and the spleen.
How can we improve digestion and why is that important?
First things first: Take Terrazyme! Terrazyme is one of the most effective, amazing doTERRA products because of how well formulated it is for digestive issues.
Have Acid reflux or GERD? People with GERD and acid reflux issues do not have *too much* acid- they have too little and inefficient digestion. There is a holdup in the digestive process that causes the food to sit in the system too long, creating discomfort.
Spleen Dampness and how it affects the digestion…
- Wheat, sugar, chocolate, processed denatured foods, dairy (minus butter) can create damp in the body.
Tongue Diagnosis for issues in the spleen: "The tongue doesn't lie."
Signs of liver issues and spleen dampness: The tongue having a serious coating on it and teeth indentations in the side.
Tip: When eating cold things, hold them in your mouth long enough for them to warm, in order to give your stomach a break.
Essential Oils to Transform Cold and Damp:Ginger
(Points of application: See diagrams on the right)
When you eat too much cold food like smoothies, cold salads and juice, consider popping an OnGuard beadlet after eating or using the other warming oils to offset the cold of the food you're consuming.
If you have difficulty losing weight... Consider adding Terrazyme and oils that help with dampness- as you might not be efficiently transforming your food into energy.
Adaptogenic herbs in doTERRA’s Supplements:
Adaptogenic herbs…
- Build vital energy
- Increase ability to adapt to stress
- Improve resistance to disease
- Improve immune response
Adaptogenic Herb: Ginkgo(In our Alpha CRS+ in the LLV)
- Helps preserves brain functions
- Promotes short term memory function, mental alertness, cognitive function
- Improves circulation in capillaries etc
(MitoMax2 Adaptogenic Herb)
- Ginseng is very stimulating - don't take too late in the day
- Improves immunity
- Memory and cognition
- Resiliency and vitality
- Restorative (great for athletic recovery)
(MitoMax2 Adaptogenic Herb)
- Strengthens core energy
- reduces fatigue
- Supports the body's stress response
- Healthy blood sugar
(MitoMax2 Adaptogenic Herb)
- Adrenal tonic but not too stimulating
- Calming
- Stabilizes blood sugar
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Hepato-protective (Liver)
- Increases stamina and endurance
- Anti-anxious, mood elevating
Green Tea
- Potent antioxidant
- Improves brain function
- Improves bad cholesterol
- Zinc Transporter
- Contains L-Theanine which can cross the blood-brain barrier and increases the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA which has anti-anxiety effects
The importance of Zinc & Zinc Transporters
- Zinc Helps fight inflammation
- Ability to boost the immune system
- Strong anti-viral
- Zinc has a hard time getting into a cell so it is very important to have zinc transporters present to enhance the movement of zinc in the body